Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mark Neighbour T-shirt Designs - What an Awsome Idea

Along with the multiple underwear I noticed in the unprocessed bags from the Salvos. I also notice a lot of worn-out old T-shirts. A thought I had on the day was wouldn't it be great if we could make them into something new.  This Idea didn't really stick with me as I didn't particularly like the idea of the worn out shirts and had workout in my mind how you would be able to get logo T-shirt to fashionable and not "crafty".

After our visit to the Salvation Store in Red Hill our Lecturer Mark Neighbour talked to us about a sustainable concept he had been working on the previous year except Mark made his garments out of new material. But in the principle of his idea could be applied to secondhand T-shirts.  Instead for Mark's project he used  X-Large men's white T-shirts from Big W that he redesigned into women's origami-like fashion garments. Apart of Mark's designs was the use of all the original garment as possible. He redesigned these shirts by taking more than one shirt and constructing them together.  

T-shirt dress/tunic by Mark Neighbour. ( Image courtesy of Mark Neighbour)

What a great Idea! 

Why didn't I think of that?

It's so ingenious!

... and so on the same wave length I was on when I looked at all these unwanted T-shirts except I was hesitating to move forward as I wasn't quite sure how I could achieve a level of sophistication using random coloured shirts with cheesy slogans and logos plastered all over the front.  Perhaps a project I will brave at a later stage when I am feeling more adventurous and creative with crappy materials.  

At this point of time... I am very aware of my need for beautiful and interesting fabrics for inspiration. The whole idea using dirty, smelly, old looking shirts were are huge turn off in the design concept. I kept having visions of "Derelict" from the movie Zoolander in the scene where he walks down the catwalk wearing trash, just plain old bad fashion.

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